(336) 523-2103

Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to the Sunny Sky Roofing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page,
where we address common queries and provide informative insights into the world of commercial roofing. Explore the questions frequently posed by our clients, and find detailed answers that empower you to make informed decisions about your roofing needs.


How do I know if my commercial roof needs restoration?

Several signs indicate that your commercial roof may need restoration:

  1. Age: If your roof is approaching the end of its expected lifespan (typically 20-25 years for most commercial roofs), it may be a good time to consider restoration.
  2. Leaks: Frequent or recurring leaks are a clear indication that your roof’s waterproofing may be compromised and needs attention.
  3. Damaged Roofing Material: Cracks, blisters, or visible wear and tear on the roofing material indicate the need for restoration.
  4. Ponding Water: Prolonged water pooling on the roof after rain can lead to structural damage and requires restoration.
  5. Increased Energy Bills: A sudden spike in energy costs could be due to reduced insulation efficiency caused by roof deterioration.
  6. Visible Roof Deterioration: If you notice peeling or discolored paint, rust, or mold growth on the roof surface, restoration is likely necessary.
  7. Loose or Missing Flashing: Damaged or displaced flashing around roof penetrations can lead to water infiltration and demands restoration.
  8. Granule Loss: In the case of asphalt shingle roofs, excessive granule loss indicates the need for restoration.

Regular inspections by a roofing professional can help identify any potential issues early on, enabling timely roof restoration to avoid more significant problems and expenses in the future.

The benefits of commercial roof restoration include:

  1. Cost Savings: Roof restoration is more cost-effective than a full roof replacement, saving you money on materials and labor.
  2. Extended Roof Lifespan: Restoration adds years to the life of your roof, which is then renewable after that.
  3. Improved Roof Performance: The restoration process includes repairs and resealing, ensuring better protection against leaks and damage.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Reflective coatings used in restoration can enhance energy efficiency by reducing heat absorption and cooling costs.
  5. Sustainability: Roof restoration reduces waste by reusing the existing roof structure and is an eco-friendly choice compared to complete replacement.
  6. Minimized Disruption: Restoration involves less disruption to your business operations compared to a full roof replacement.
  7. Enhanced Appearance: A restored roof can improve the overall aesthetics of your commercial property, enhancing its curb appeal.
  8. Warranty Options: Many roof restoration systems come with warranty coverage, providing added peace of mind.
  9. Increased Property Value: A well-maintained roof through restoration can boost the value of your commercial property.
  10. Preventive Maintenance: Addressing issues through restoration helps prevent further damage and costly repairs.

Overall, commercial roof restoration is a practical and advantageous solution to preserve and enhance your roof’s performance while saving resources and money in the long run.

The duration of the roof restoration process can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the roof, the extent of repairs needed, weather conditions, and the type of restoration system being used. In general, a typical commercial roof restoration project can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to complete.

Smaller roofs with minimal repairs and good weather conditions may be completed in a shorter timeframe, while larger roofs or roofs requiring extensive repairs might take longer. It’s essential to consult with your professional roofing contractor to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific roof’s condition and restoration needs. They can provide you with a timeline and keep you informed throughout the process.

Yes, a roof restoration can significantly extend the lifespan of your roof. The restoration process involves repairing and resealing the existing roof, addressing any damages or weaknesses, and applying protective coatings to enhance its durability. By rejuvenating and reinforcing the roof’s structure, restoration helps to prevent further deterioration and extends its overall lifespan.

With proper maintenance and regular inspections, a well-restored commercial roof can last for many additional years beyond its original expected lifespan which you can then renew. This extension of roof life can save you from the cost and inconvenience of a premature roof replacement while providing continued protection for your commercial property.

Various types of commercial roofs can be restored, including:

1. Built-Up Roofing (BUR): Also known as tar and gravel roofs, BUR systems can be restored through coating applications.

2. Modified Bitumen Roofing: This type of roof, featuring asphalt-based sheets, can benefit from restoration with appropriate coatings.

3. EPDM Roofing: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roofs can be restored using specialized coatings.

4. TPO Roofing: Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) roofs can be restored with suitable coatings to improve performance.

5. PVC Roofing: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) roofs can also be restored using compatible coatings.

6. Metal Roofing: Metal roofs can be restored by addressing rust, applying protective coatings, and sealing joints and seams.

7. SPF Roofing: Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) roofs can be restored with coatings for added protection and weather resistance.

Before proceeding with restoration, it’s essential to have a professional roofing assessment to determine the roof’s condition and suitability for restoration. The type and condition of the roofing material will play a significant role in the restoration process and the specific coatings used for the project.

Yes, roof restoration can help prevent leaks and water damage. During the restoration process, roofing professionals identify and repair any existing leaks or damages on the roof surface. They also address weak spots and seal potential points of water entry.

Additionally, roof restoration often involves the application of protective coatings, which act as a barrier against water infiltration. These coatings are designed to be waterproof and weather-resistant, providing an added layer of protection to the roof.

By addressing existing issues and reinforcing the roof’s waterproofing capabilities, restoration significantly reduces the risk of leaks and water damage. Regular maintenance and inspections following restoration can further help maintain the roof’s integrity and ensure it continues to protect your commercial property from water-related issues.

The roof restoration process typically involves the following steps:


1. Roof Inspection: A thorough inspection is conducted to assess the roof’s condition, identify any damages, leaks, or weaknesses that need to be addressed during restoration.

2. Cleaning: The roof surface is cleaned to remove dirt, debris, and any contaminants, ensuring a clean and smooth surface for restoration.

3. Repairs: Damaged areas are repaired, including fixing leaks, replacing broken tiles or shingles, and addressing any structural issues.

4. Priming: A primer may be applied to the roof surface to enhance adhesion of the restoration materials.

5. Application of Coatings: Protective coatings are applied to the roof surface. These coatings are designed to improve waterproofing, reflect sunlight, and extend the roof’s lifespan.

6. Reinforcing Seams and Joints: Special attention is given to reinforcing seams, edges, and other vulnerable areas to prevent water infiltration.

7. Additional Layers: Depending on the restoration system used, additional layers of coatings or materials may be applied to achieve the desired level of protection.

8. Final Inspection: Once the restoration process is complete, a final inspection is performed to ensure that all repairs and coatings are properly applied and the roof is in optimal condition.

9. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to extend the lifespan of the restored roof and prevent future issues.

It’s crucial to hire a professional roofing contractor with experience in roof restoration to ensure that the process is carried out effectively and that the roof receives the best possible care.

Yes, roof restoration is considered a sustainable and eco-friendly option for several reasons:

1. Reduced Waste: Roof restoration involves repairing and resealing the existing roof rather than replacing it entirely. This reduces the amount of waste generated, minimizing its impact on landfills.

2. Reusing Existing Materials: Restoration allows for the reuse of the existing roof structure and materials, reducing the need for new resources and raw materials.

3. Energy Efficiency: Many restoration systems include reflective coatings that can improve the roof’s energy efficiency by reflecting sunlight and reducing cooling costs.

4. Extended Roof Lifespan: By extending the lifespan of the existing roof, restoration postpones the need for a complete roof replacement, which consumes more resources and energy.

5. Lower Carbon Footprint: Roof restoration typically requires less energy and resources compared to a full roof replacement, resulting in a lower carbon footprint.

6. Improved Building Performance: A well-restored roof can contribute to better building insulation, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

7. Sustainable Coating Options: Many restoration coatings are formulated to be environmentally friendly and low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), promoting indoor air quality.

By choosing roof restoration over a full roof replacement, you are making a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice that helps conserve resources, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impact.


Yes, many reputable roofing contractors offer warranties or guarantees with their roof restoration services. The specific terms and duration of the warranty can vary depending on the contractor and the type of restoration system used. Some common types of warranties that may be offered include:


1. Material Warranty: This covers the performance and durability of the restoration materials used, ensuring they meet certain quality standards.

2. Workmanship Warranty: This warranty covers the workmanship and installation of the restoration, ensuring that it was performed correctly.

3. Leak-Free Warranty: Some contractors provide a leak-free warranty, assuring that the restored roof will be free from leaks for a specified period after the restoration is completed.

4. Coating Performance Warranty: Certain restoration coatings come with performance warranties, guaranteeing their effectiveness and longevity.

It’s essential to review the warranty terms and conditions before hiring a roofing contractor for restoration. Ask questions and ensure that you understand the coverage and any limitations that may apply. A reputable contractor will be transparent about their warranty offerings and provide you with the necessary documentation to support their guarantees.

Maintaining your roof after restoration is crucial to prolong its life and ensure its continued performance. Here are some tips for roof maintenance:

Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections by a professional roofing contractor to identify any issues early and address them promptly.

2. Keep Gutters Clean: Clean the gutters regularly to prevent clogs and ensure proper water drainage from the roof.

3. Trim Overhanging Trees: Trim branches and overhanging trees near the roof to prevent damage from falling limbs and reduce the risk of moss or algae growth.

4. Address Repairs Promptly: If you notice any leaks, damages, or loose shingles, have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent further problems.

5. Remove Debris: Regularly remove leaves, branches, and debris from the roof surface to avoid water pooling and potential damage.

6. Avoid Heavy Foot Traffic: Minimize foot traffic on the roof to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

7. Insulate and Ventilate: Properly insulate and ventilate your building to reduce heat buildup and minimize strain on the roof.

8. Avoid high Pressure Washing: Avoid using high-pressure washing equipment on the roof, as it can damage the protective coatings. Soft wash is better for longevity.

9. Monitor Coating Condition: Keep an eye on the condition of the restoration coatings and have them recoated as recommended by the manufacturer.

10. Document Maintenance: Keep a record of roof maintenance activities, including inspections, repairs, and coating applications.

By following these maintenance practices, you can protect your restored roof and extend its lifespan, ensuring it continues to provide reliable protection for your commercial property.

Yes, roof restoration can improve the energy efficiency of your building. During the restoration process, reflective coatings are often applied to the roof surface. These coatings have high solar reflectance properties, meaning they reflect a significant amount of sunlight away from the building.

By reflecting sunlight, the roof absorbs less heat, which helps in reducing the building’s cooling load. As a result, the interior temperature of the building can be better regulated, leading to lower cooling costs during hot weather.

Some restorations include Spray-Foam which is commonly known for its insulation capabilities.

Additionally, roof restoration addresses any existing leaks or damages, ensuring a more intact and better-insulated roof system. This improved integrity helps to maintain a stable indoor temperature and reduces the strain on HVAC systems, further contributing to energy efficiency.

Overall, roof restoration with reflective coatings can play a significant role in optimizing energy usage and reducing utility bills for your commercial building.

In some cases, commercial property owners may be eligible to deduct the cost of roof restoration as a business expense, which can help reduce their taxable income. However, the deductibility of roof restoration expenses may depend on various factors, including the purpose of the restoration, the type of property, and local tax regulations.

In the United States, for instance, there have been federal tax credits and incentives related to energy-efficient improvements in the past, such as the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT) and the Energy Policy Act of 2008 (EPACT 2008). These laws provided tax credits for certain energy-efficient improvements, including roofing materials that meet specific criteria.

To find out if there are any tax benefits or incentives available for roof restoration in your area, I recommend consulting with a tax professional or contacting local government agencies that deal with energy efficiency and building improvements. They can provide up-to-date information on any available incentives or tax programs that may apply to your specific situation.

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